

Fukuyama Recycling Plant received the FY 2015 Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director General’s Commendation for Excellent Energy Management Businesses, Etc.

JFE Plastic Resource Corporation
May 12, 2016
  • 1. Outline

    The JFE Plastic Resource Corporation Fukuyama Recycling Plant received the “FY 2015 Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director-General’s Commendation for Excellent Energy Management Businesses, Etc. The Award Ceremony was held on February 15 at Meilparque Hiroshima. Through this commendation, the Director-General of the Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), recognizes businesses and others which have realized large effects in energy saving and other exemplary achievements.

  • 2. History of Award

    Each year, questionnaires on energy management which are submitted to the Chugoku Electric Power Use Rationalization Committee are evaluated by the Committee, and commendations are awarded based on the Committee’s recommendations. This commendation was the result of daily energy saving efforts by all employees of the Fukuyama Recycling Plant. In the future, the Fukuyama Recycling Plant will continue to make detailed energy conservation management efforts.

  • 3. Scene at Award Ceremony